New look for the Main Menu v0.2

Written on May 19, 2016

I’ve changed the look of the main menu to hopefully make it less boring.

I’ve replaced the planet with a new model/shader combo I’ve been using to replace the in-game planets too because I think they look more realistic, and I also added Earth to the background to add some colour (plus the orange and blue match the title colours).

As a side note, somewhere along the way I also changed my color space from “Gamma” to “Linear”, which I would recommend to everyone. It was a real pain to change some things so far into development, but it was worth it because the shadows look a lot more realistic in linear color space.

The restyled buttons have been used in all the other menus for consistency. I’ll be showing those in another post in the near future.

The biggest addition is the epic never-ending AI space battle that I’ve added to the scene to make it more dynamic and interesting to look at. Everyone likes interesting menus.