Starship Siege Overview

Written on April 22, 2016

Starship Siege is a 3rd-person space shooter Action/RPG for PC. Players will pilot a ship through space; travelling between planets and solar systems as they level up and upgrade their ship’s passive stats and weapon arsenal.

I made sure I had a few key things in the game before I released v0.1 to have at least a skeleton of the final game I have planned.

  • Basic flight mechanics
  • Basic combat shooting
  • An ability to travel between planets at hyper speed
  • A battle with friendlies and enemies duking it out with each other

This is my first ever game made with the Unity Engine and I’m using it as a way to introduce myself to the engine, and more to game development as a whole. I’ve been a .NET developer for 2+ years now, and I feel very comfortable with C#, so Unity seemed like the natural choice.

Most of the elements in the game now are still a work in progress. I’ll be adding new mechanics and refining existing elements over time, and post updates and tutorials as I go. There’s a download page on this site where you can get the latest version of the game. Feel free to email me or post comments on my videos with critiques or recommendations. Any and all help is appreciated!